Your Beautiful Life


Powerful Visioning Program

Reflection, Letting Go, Gratitude, Visioning, Manifesting

Start Visioning Now


Manifest a more fulfilling,
heart-inspired life in 2024?

You deserve it!

Here's a secret...there's a vision waiting for you... Something beautifully enriching, soul aligned and inspiring to guide your life forward. You can dive in now and explore it deeply. It's ready. Are you?

It's time to move beyond obligations and the busy'ness that consumes women's lives...and the vision is just the first step!

That's why Create Your Soul Vision has sections on reflection, letting go, gratitude AND visioning. But that's not all. We've also included the life changing steps for getting your body, mind and soul in alignment to create lasting transformation in our powerful manifesting section.

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When you live your heart's truth and your soul's calling...

it will feel deeply enriching and inspiring for you...
and it will also be wonderful for everyone in your life.


Create Your Soul Vision

Start Visioning $147

Listen to your heart's whispers...

Women create the most fulfilling lives when they follow their inner wisdom and the compass of their own longings. It's time to listen deeply.

  • Gather the powerful learnings from your past 12 months
  • Release what no longer serves you
  • Create a soul-aligned vision
  • Map a clear inspired action plan
  • Available immediately so you can dive straight in

Vision your life like never before.

Soul Inquiry Journal

50+ page digital journal packed full of powerful inquiry processes to support your soulful visioning and manifesting intentions.

Reflection Meditation & Letting Go Ritual

Explore the important learnings for your last 12 months in this beautiful reflection meditation. Leave behind what no longer serves with the letting go ritual.

Soul Temple Meditation

A gorgeous 60 min full length visioning meditation to take you on a journey into your "Soul's Temple" to reveal your heart's inner longings.

Daily Gratitude Process

Learn how to embrace gratitude as a powerful practice to open to receiving and manifesting your soul's vision.

Oracle Card Spread

3 insightful oracle card spreads to reflect on the past and vision the future plus a how to use oracle card video.

Create Your Sacred Space

A special bonus Create Your Sacred Space digital download to empower your soulful visioning process.

“…was able to find steps to move me forward”

“I 'let go' of some of the crap & frustrations that were holding me down and was able to find steps to move me forward in getting more from life”                     


“…gave me clarity”

“It helped me to address areas of my personality that I needed to strengthen. It gave me clarity about the direction in which my life was moving. It encouraged me to continue the healing journey to which I had been committed”




Be empowered to manifest your vision with 4 quarterly 90 minute sessions in our specially designed "Ignite Your Soul Vision" Group Coaching Program 2024.

You are held, supported and loved so that you can become super clear on your vision for a soul-led life and take the inspired, grounded action for success.

Valued at $580

Save Your Spot

We are Kareena and Sophie

We are 2 sisters, passionate about supporting you, and warm-hearted women like you, to create soul-aligned fulfilling lives. Why? Because when you live your highest truth, you make the world a better place for all of us and the next generation. Who you are matters! What you long for is important! We see it every day in the women we work with...when they listen to their heart, they always want more beauty, love, and goodness for themselves and the world!

So join us on this journey of self-discovery, and become unapologetic in expressing your beautiful, highest truth.

“…changed my life”

“The (coaching) program changed my life and opened my heart and soul in more ways than I can possibly describe!
…Kareena’s (coaching) program is the perfect balance for me between heart-opening and feeling-oriented
but also she’s all about ACTION and RESULTS” 

Silicone Valley

Feminine Power and Visioning?



Do you feel caught up in a world of "shoulds", living up to an imaginary standard you never seem to be able to meet. There is a better way for women to create...

A vision emerging from the heart rather than imposed by our mind or societal expectations is the first key...then taking inspired action steps from your inner wisdom and intuition is the next.

Women are most powerful when they create space to listen to their inner wisdom. That's what this program is for...pausing, listening deeply and following your own wisdom.

Start Visioning Now

“…bring joy & power back”

“It helps you unpack “stuff” you’ve held onto or believe about yourself or the world or people.
It helps you bring joy and power
back into your life“


“…impactful and profound “

"Kareena, you and your lovely sister, Sophie, are such bright lights in this world!!!! I feel extremely fortunate that I came to know about you and your very precious work; it has really been impactful and profound for me!!!! Thank you!!!!"


Don't miss out on your group coaching bonus

Ignite Your Soul Vision Program in 2024

Valued at $580

Claim Your Bonus

"...highly recommend"

"…express yourself, release, regroup and reclaim your energy or space you need to move forward. I highly recommend any of their sessions."


"reminds me of my greatness"

Kareena helps keep me on track &
reminds me of my greatness within &
what I am truly capable of."
